SSL Certificates

Powerful servers with high-end resources that will guarantee resource exclusivity
ultahost ssl image
Comodo PositiveSSL RapidSSL RapidSSL Wildcard
Starting From $18.50/mo $85.50/mo $185.00/mo
Domain Validation
ultahost SSD Only servers ultahost SSD Only servers ultahost SSD Only servers
Trust Logo Supported
ultahost SSD Only servers ultahost SSD Only servers ultahost SSD Only servers
Sub-domains 3 Sub-domains Unlimited 3 Sub-domains
Issued 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days
Reissue Free Free Free
Warranty $60,000.00 $1,230,000.00 $60,000.00
Encryption 128/256 bit 128/256 bit 128/256 bit
24x7 Support ultahost SSD Only servers ultahost SSD Only servers ultahost SSD Only servers
Buy Now Buy Now Buy Now

Why do I need an SSL certificate?

Not only does an SSL certificate encrypt data transmission to and from your website, but as of July 2018, many web browsers flagged a website as "not secure" unless it detects that it has a valid SSL certificate.

Website security
Strongest Encryption
Safety first - SSL allows you to encrypt all the data between a visitor and the server. High-quality encryption makes sure that every packet is unbreachable.
Address bar Visibility
Google Chrome and other browsers will begin marking websites without SSL as unsecured. Avoid the big red mark by investing into your image with cheap SSL certification.
Increase traffic and sales
Getting cheap SSL makes a priceless statement to your audience. No one wants to stay long on an unsecure website. Make the smart investment that will provide a huge return on investment.
ultahost Consultation


Do you hesitate which SSL certificate to choose? We will help you choose the best based on your needs.

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When you make an order you will also get periodic verification of certificate operation.